Late 1800's"Kjerstine" was built at the Floytrup, Schmidt & Bilbrer yard in Nyborg, Denmark
- 18th June 1900"Kjerstine" was registered at Nyborg as a topsail schooner. She was registered as a fishing vessel but we have been led to believe that she was carrying stone from quarries to where there were sea defence works. All information was recorded in great detail, but no engine was recorded as fitted. Registered tonnage 48.48 Net tonnage 25.50. Owner G.S. Kirk and Skipper M.B. Hou
- 26th May 1903"Kjerstine" was conveyed to Harboore New Diving Company, Fjaltring Diving Company and Fjaltring Trans Diving Company
- 10th January 1917"Kjerstine was conveyed to the "Shipping Co. Diver - Schooner Kjerstine" Lemvig, and this was registered on 11th March, 1918. The company was liquidated on 13th February, 1922
- 28th September 1922"Kjerstine" was renamed "Anne"
- 2nd October 1922A 19 horsepower 4 stroke engine was recorded by the State Ship Inspectorate
- 26th January 1923"Anne" was renamed "Martha".
- Other registered changes under the name of "Martha" were recorded on 3rd March, 1923, 29th June, 1929 (registered at Rodvig, Denmark), 6th June, 1929, 22nd May, 1939 (changed from "Schooner" to "Motorship"), 15th May 1942, 22nd May, 1957 and 21st January, 1959
- At some stage, probably quite early in her career, her rig was changed to the more fashionable ketch rig.
- 12th January 1967"Martha" was sold to Brandinspekter Svend Eld
- 8th February 1967"Martha" was registered at Arhus, Denmark. Registered tonnage still 48.48 and Net tonnage 25.50. Two cylinder 64 horsepower motor.
- 8th August 1974"Martha" was sold by Brandinspekteur Svend Eld (Denmark) to Kapitan Hans-Peter von Holdt (of Hamburg, Germany). By now she only had one "quarter deck" mast.
- 28th August 1975"Juliane von Holdt" Rhea was registered at Kiel, Germany (named after Hans-Peter von Holdt's daughter). She had one engine (no details), a new jib boom and a new mast. Her tonnage was registered as 117.90 and net 41.62. The owners were Kapitan Hans-Peter von Holdt and Bernhard Gumb
- 1976-1983 "Juliane von Holdt" was used as touristic attraction at Hornum on the island of Sylt in the North Sea. She ran short "duty free" trips and trips to the seal reservations. (Information about this period kindly supplied by Stefan von Holdt, son of Hans-Peter). (Photograph kindly supplied by Juliane von Holdt)
- Late '80's "Rhea" was chartering in Turkish waters under Bernhard Gumb
- 1989/1990 "Rhea" purchased and recommissioned by us.
- 1997 "Rhea" was returned to her original topsail schooner rig
- 2014 "Rhea" was coded as a British Commercial Pleasure Craft
- 2020 "Rhea" was issued with Greek Charter Licence
- 2021 As a consequence of Brexit "Rhea" was re-registered as a Polish Commercial Vessel and re-issued with her Greek Charter Licence
We hope to get more information with regard to Rhea's owners, the nature of her trade and her history, watch this space for more details
Countries visited by Rhea with skipper David - Turkey, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Monte Carlo, France, Spain, Malta, Gibralter, Tunisia and Algeria ....... where-ever she has sailed, she has attracted the attention and admiration of all who see her. In 2022 she will be sailing from Turkey to the Ionian and cruising there.... but anything is possible in the future..... please contact us, lets explore.!!
In Greek mythology, Rhea was the mother of the gods, daughter of Uranus and Gaia. She was married to her brother Cronus and was the mother of Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon and Zeus.
Cronus was jealous of the future power of his children and, to secure his dominion, he ate his own children. Rhea managed to rescue one son, Zeus. She hid him in the Dictean Cave in Crete and gave Cronus a stone wrapped in the clothes of the infant, which he swallowed. Thus Rhea succeeded in making him believe that he had killed all of his children. When Zeus reached maturity he overpowered and dethroned his father and made Cronus disgorge his siblings.
Rhea is identified with mother goddess Cybele from Asia Minor and is also known as Rhea Cybele and Magna Mater ("great mother"). She was worshipped with orgiastic rites. Rhea is depicted between two lions or on a chariot pulled by lions.
Cronus was jealous of the future power of his children and, to secure his dominion, he ate his own children. Rhea managed to rescue one son, Zeus. She hid him in the Dictean Cave in Crete and gave Cronus a stone wrapped in the clothes of the infant, which he swallowed. Thus Rhea succeeded in making him believe that he had killed all of his children. When Zeus reached maturity he overpowered and dethroned his father and made Cronus disgorge his siblings.
Rhea is identified with mother goddess Cybele from Asia Minor and is also known as Rhea Cybele and Magna Mater ("great mother"). She was worshipped with orgiastic rites. Rhea is depicted between two lions or on a chariot pulled by lions.